Decision Support Tools
- Climate Adapted Seed Tool (CAST) – Rapid climate change has caused a mismatch between the climate that tree populations have adapted to and the climate they currently grow in. The Climate-Adapted Seed Tool helps ecosystem managers identify seed sources that are pre-adapted to local climate conditions at their planting sites.
- Postfire Spatial Conifer Restoration Planning Tool (PostCRPT)– Large and severe wildfires are leaving vast areas devoid of natural conifer regeneration. PostCRPT aids managers in prioritizing areas for restoration by providing maps of predicted postfire conifer regeneration. It includes taxon-specific regeneration predictions and a range of postfire climate and seed production scenarios.
- Seed Zone Climate Tracker – I built this app as an initial step toward developing revised seed transfer guidelines for California. It differs from the Climate Adapted Seed Tool in that it allows the user to select which climate variables to track and does not integrate data from seed-transfer experiments.
- Pika Extirpation Predicter – This is an interactive supplement to our paper on pika extirpations in California. Adjust the slider to see where American pika populations are predicted to become extinct as temperatures warm.
Species Occurrence Data Portals:
- iNaturalist
- VertNet (bulk downloads)
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- Map of Life
- IUCN Expert Range Maps
- Global Bd Maps
- CNPS Rare Plant Inventory
- Consortium of California Herbaria
- Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
- NeotomaDB
- CalWeedMapper
- USA Endangered Species Map
- Sudden Oak Death Mapper
- Movebank
Phylogenetic Data:
Landcover Data:
Climate Data:
Time Series:
Natural History Audio Library:
- QGIS – it’s free and it does many things better than ArcGIS
- RStudio
- Hugo
- Warp
- VS Code
- TreeGraph2 – phylogenetic tree editor
- MaxEnt
- Amos Structural Equation Modeling
[R] Packages:
- terra – raster munging
- sf – vector munging
- brms – Bayesian stats
- rcpp – Seamless integration of R and C++
- reticulate – Seamless integration of R and Python
- ROpenSci – wrappers for biodiversity informatics APIs, and more
- dismo – species distribution modeling
- calecopal – color pallets
- spsurvey – run a GRTS draw
- MuMIn – multimodel inference
- unmarked – occupancy analysis
- marked – mark-recapture analysis
- caper, ape, phytools, picante – fun with phylogenetics
- Rphylopars – ancestral state reconstruction using phylogeny and trait correlations
- rjags – Bayesian stats
Other Links:
- Hydrological Drivers and Impacts of Fire
- Climate-Change Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Strategies for Africa’s Charismatic Megafauna
- Species and Climate Change: more than just the polar bear – IUCN
- Mapping Change in Sierra Nevada Forests
- Understanding why nights are getting warmer faster than days
- NatGeo: If all the Ice Melted
- California Pika Call Video
- GIS Data Links
- DataOne
- NPS Data Portal
- California Central Valley Salix Key
- California Pika Consortium
- Grant Proposals in the Biological Sciences
- CDFG Reg. 2 Pika Survey Datasheet
- Butterfly Transect
- Stern Review
- US Draft National Climate Assessment
- Lobbying ROI
Estimating Vulnerability to Climate Change with Correlative Species Distribution Models:
Climate & Conservation News:
- Trees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature’s carbon sink failing?
- Can Planting a Trillion New Trees Save the World?
- Suffocating the Ocean – contemporary and paleo ocean hypoxia and mass extinction
- Discovered just before extinction? Endemic ant from Balearic Islands is endangered by climate change. Peer-reviewer article here.
- Extinction Crisis in a Warming World
- The drought that almost whiped-out the Sonoran Pronghorn
- What animals are likely to go extinct first due to climate change
- First Mammal Species Goes Extinct Due to Climate Change
- Shrub Once Thought Extinct Gets Critical Habitat In San Francisco
- Many Species will have to evolve 10,000 times faster to adapt to climate change
- Global warming has accelerated in the past 15 years
- Vulnerability of California Native Fish Species to Climate Change
- Science: The Rate Of Warming Since 1900 Is 50 Times Greater Than The Rate Of Cooling In Previous 5000 Years
- U.S. Proposes to Protect Wolverines
- US Federal Government Lists 2 Ice Seals as Threatened
- West Oakland Junior High Students Survey for Pikas (featuring yours truly)
- Arctic Sea Extent Ice Below All IPCC4 Model Projections; Models improving, but can they catch up?
- Arctic Sea Ice Hits Record Low (2012)
- Greenhouse Gases Rise by Record Amount (see also here)
- Arctic Warms to Highest Level Yet as Researchers Fear Tipping Point
- USFWS Initiates Status Review of Western Glacier Stonefly
- Australian Senate Passes Carbon Tax
- California Commission Advances Climate-threatened Pika Toward Legal Protection
- Keystone XL Pipeline Becomes Headache for the White House
- Arctic Sea Ice Drops to Record Low (2011)
- Warming Streams Could be End for Spring-Run Chinook in California
- Inyo chipmunk’s apparent disappearance indicates a changing Sierra
- Climate Claims the Golden Toad
- Galapagos Islands Transformed
- Outlook Bleak for Joshua Trees